Very easy manicure with heart

Hello girls!
Today I bring you a easy manicure to do for short nails and that also looks very nice. A manicure with stickers made by ourselves in the shape of heart.

What do we need to this easy manicure?

- Nail base.
- Black enamel.
- Yellow enamel.
- Fissile, zeal or insulating tape.
- Top coat.

1. The first thing is to paint the nails of an enamel that we like, always think of two colors that combine.

2. We take a cup or glass, we paste zeal/fiso and we paint it.

3. When the enamel is completely dry we will cut the heat as seen in the image.

4. We carefully stretch it and stick it on the nail. Then we use a good top coat and ready!

What do you think of this manicure? so easy with hearts ? Have you ever tried it? Kisses